Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I Have an Ghosts!

OOC: well, i have several...but let's just talk about this one first! LOL
i have a hard time making it into SL on wednesday nights because i LOVE love
Ghost Hunters on Sci Fi! OK... i know it's hokey...but i do love it!
sometimes the ambient music is too loud and then then they say "did you hear that?"
and i'm like "i would have if you turned the music down! doh!"
but it's fun.....

for dinner tonight...leftovers from my bookclub dinner out last night
half of a lobster and brie grilled cheese sandwich with duck fat fried french fries with truffle sea salt served with a garlic aioli....and i'm making a spinach salad with raspberry walnut vinagarette...Mmmm!

another TV highlight...the new season of Top Chef starts tonight!

ps. because of

NaBloPoMo - National Blog Posting Month

i am likely to have a lot of OOC blogs this month...sorry! [grins]

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