Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Yes, I am a Pirate RL, too

i've had questions why i am so very obsessed with my ship the Queen Anne's Revenge...(and yes, it's gone beyond just fondness!) i do RL historic re-enactment of 1710 Queen Anne's War Privateers! we go to multi-timed and pirate events where we talk to the public the history of Privateers and Piracy of the times... we even have little wooden cutlasses that we teach the kids or public to use..(it's fun!)...

at the Jamestown VA event we even had a sailor on the docks mending sails!

my ex-bf (also a re-enactor) and still good friend converted to being a pirate for me if i did his time period...iron-age celt....i might blog about that some other time! LOL

at the Hampton VA. Blackbard Festival...having fun with Ben Cherry one of the BEST and most famous Blackbeard re-enactors in the US! he's both a scholar and a re-enactor! my Privateer re-enactment group was hired by the organizers to set up a working camp and to talk to the tourists about Privateer/Pirate life....

and they even let us play with our black powder and shoot our cannon!!

we also have annual Pirate Feasts where we take over an old mill and feast, dance, sing, and have some crazy times... of course i'm a serving wench at the pub we set up... and my fellow pirates "tip" me with replica coin, rings, pearls, gold nuggets, and anything but modern money! it's a lovely decadent shamelessly ribald time...!!

ARrrrr, Matey! So, next time you're on the Queen Anne's Revenge you'll know why i just look upon every inch and every prim of it with loving covetous eyes...if only i could live on an RL Pirate Ship i would be SOooooo happy! Cheers, Darlings!

Privateer Capt. & Pirate Wench

who loves, LOVES comments!

2 comments: said...

Hi - Being a pirate looks fun. How do I get started? (in SL)


Capt. Red Llewellyn said...

keep reading my blog... i posted a host of other helpful getting started in SL tips! cheers!