i'm not going to go into the classics.....i love them...and i own every version of The Christmas Carol i think ever made...ok, not the muppet version....but this week i saw on BBC America The (British) Office and the Blackadder's Christmas Carol had me rolling!
[Blackadder has just unwittingly slammed the door in the faces of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert] Ebeneezer Blackadder: I am not at home to guests! Prince Albert: I flatter myzelf ve are llather special guests, sir. Ebeneezer Blackadder: Oh, of course, I must apologize! It isn't often that one recieves a Christmas visit from two such distinguished guests. Prince Albert: Ah, zo you llecognize us at last! Ebeneezer Blackadder: Yes! Unless I'm very much mistaken, you're the winner of the 'Round Britain Shortest Fattest Dumpiest Woman Competition. And for her to be accompanied by the winner of this year's Stupidest Accent Award is really quite overwhelming.
(sorry to any of our Jäger friends...ahem!) LOL and why is it that i love Blackadder but HATE Mr. Bean???
The Office esp. these lines:
Tuffy: (to Anne) Do you think we care as much about your baby as you do? Just because you let some useless tosser blow his beans up your muff. Well done, merry fucking Christmas. (Anne runs off crying) Tim: Beans. Dawn: I don’t know what to say. Muff was the bit for me. Tim: Beans and muff.
heh heh heh the spirit of the season..make fun of smug preggo people!
i have such a love affair with the store Hudson's Stained Glass Desires...i've talked about it before..gushed even...but my word they just do NOT disapoint! in the picture above you can see the bevy of lovely gifts and freebies for the Christmas Season...from the left: Victorian Secret black & red lingerie set..(HOT!) the small ornament below...holiday jewelry... the Harvey's Bristol Creme sherry tray and two glasses, a fruit plate, a lovely potted plant in the magic wolf jar, a really pretty (though here not rezzed) globe light...touch on and off...and behind that a man's winter sweater set. WOW! it really is worth joining the group for these lovely and oh so generous gifts!
Dear Miss Eleanor Anderton also recently sent me a notecard of shopping tips as did dear Miss Serafina...my good friends and fellow dear shopping buddies...i am so blessed!
a fine opening of the Tea House this eve....the time i spent there was both invigorating intellectually and calming spiritually...the sounds, the smells, the sights (the sake!) all combined to make me feel happy, at peace and very centered... beautiful and entertaining our new Tea House! Thank you Miss Roanoke for bringing this to our city!
our kind hostesses shared their talents through song, dance, and storytelling. Miss Ceejay, Miss Sylvie, Miss Jed, Miss Bela as well as our happy newly engaged couple Miss Orchid and Mr. Rip Wirefly were in attendance and looking very fine in the dress of the Tea House. i was also pleased to make the acquaintance of Mr. ZenRascal Mandelbrot a new gentleman to New Babbage.
Come to Wheatstone Waterways....and Pose with the DreddPirateBob....just like smoking, it makes you look cool! and see? Bob is smoking, too! so it *Must* be cool!
can't get enough Bob? Buy the glob for only $1 ....or was it FREE? Hmmm either way..you know you want one nearby so you can cuddle up next to Bob ANYtime you get the urge! OOOooer!
Oh dear...i told Santa not to have that last mug of Capt. Cannonball's Rum!....Followed by Capt. Smythe's Spiced Rum!.....then he poured us another two cups of Nog...Mmmmm Rummy Nog....and then ok...this was my idea...Absinthe shots...heh heh it's GREEN! let me back up....he came by the factory....saw the forts & the bar set up...and well, we got to talking and ...then we started drinking a wee bit...swapping stories, cracking jokes...you know, the usual! he would pour...i would pour...he would give me a hard time about that one raid on that spanish ship a few years ago...i would tease him about stoopid creepy marionettes... and i guess that was too much for the big guy cause he tried to fly off and SMACK right into Szuster Gassworks...he crawled off the burning sleigh...the elves jumped the gun and chalked around him where he lay....and well, it's a good thing he's immortal.....
Santa! when i suggest Absinthe shots...just say No! Don't Drink and Sleigh! afterwards...i rode the carousel...Weeeeeee!
Icy Gorgeous Rotating Christmas Tree! Oh Elleon...how talented you are!
2nd Place!! Myrtil's Adorable Squirrel
Relaxing on my new Squirrel...Who Knew it Also had 4 poses!
Thank you for your talents!!!
and to all who came...WOW! i am overwhelmed!!....let me just reprint what i replied to on dear Dr. Watson's kind blog....
Oh you wonderful people of New Babbage, you're very welcome!!!..but you beat me to it, for really! ...it is *I* who should thank you! i was nervously excited about my first event in New Babbage and apart from a bit of frantic scrambling due to ((SL weekend login borkyness)) putting up more bottles on the bars... i do think it went rather well!.....
and only a bit of a hangover...erm, deep sleep, ((RL brunch w/the parental units)) kept me from thanking you earlier! i have been so thrilled to have joined this town and each and every person who came or contributed made this the best event i've ever given in-world. i need no other Christmas gifts for that filled my metaphorical stocking to it's brimfull!
i'm keeping up the snow forts, floating ice dance floor, and the full bar for the entirety of the holiday season.......for you never know when impromptu snow fights might want to errupt....so feel free to gather your friends and come on over and pelt or dance away anytime!!!
Coming in the spring: Beltane May Pole & Rum Party with a Building Contest of Best Steampunk Crazy Over the Top 4-Season Topiary! $10,000L in prizes!
Bringing a little joy and cheer to a dear GOOD friend Dr. Obolensky and his beautiful Island Observatory....by breaking in and putting up a pretty Christmas tree, a warm crackling fireplace, setting out the Oh so cute Capalini Oliphant....and striped hanging a Gothic Christmas stocking filled to the brim with candy and coal!......
He's SO going to HATE it!
Special thanks to Miss Canolli Capalini for her donations to this pretty prank. I'm braced for your "Bah, Humbug" and auto return Dr.! [grins] but some of the gifts are transferable & i wanted you to see it first!
another bright idea i had.... but really didn't want to spend $825L on a prank and one that was also out of period...was to get these for Dr. O's island.....heh heh heh....how perfectly cute and cheerful and guaranteed to make him gnash his teeth!! he's such a fun character to have around!
Oh! and from the same vendor i stumbled across on the new Xstreet... i also go this for my party! Mmmmm coal candy! Yum!
Merry Christmas!!
ps. thank you again SO much Miss Breezy for the lovely hooded cloak i'm wearing in the picture...and yes, i finally did take my NBLFB uniform off after 2 or 3 days when i saw my dogs were pointedly sniffing at me! Humph! but it will be ready to go back on again in a trice if a fire should spark!
This valiant group of women have banded together to protect the New Babbage community from the seemingly daily outbreaks of fire. Utilizing grace under pressure and the most modern firefighting equipment, these intelligent and resourceful women will bravely fight the flames and thus keep our community safe. Men are invited to join as advisors, innocent bystanders, and bucket holders. Please contact Miss Serafina Puchkina for more information Visit our Fire House in world! Go up to the second floor and slide down the pole!
~Uniforms provided gratis to all volunteers~ NBFB Volunteers...Please wear your group tag and get your uniform! Beautifully and generously designed & donated by Miss Viv Trafalgar of New Babbage Why not visit her shop and see her other talented designs?
Thank you Mayor Sprocket!....my factories & the Edward Topham Memorial Park (see below) are so pretty in the snow! ....and it's just a start! i'm not finished with the landscaping & decorating yet.....but wow! WOW! Pray indulge and let me wax rhapsodic and slightly perhaps poorly poetic for just a moment:
Winter in New Babbage
Oh how i love this place... even more so in winter's loving yet cool embrace! The crunch of snow, the smell of soot, Dark mystery of cobbled street & mischief afoot! Beloved Urchins dash, scurry, and play, Pelt snowballs, make forts, and join the fray. Velvet bedecked townsfolk stroll and twirl Enjoying the frosted views whilst snow swirls. Friends meet, happy breaths frost & cloud the air Presents are bought, fires tended, and trees bedecked with care.
Dr. O has delivered the snow forts!!!! i've set them up early for impromptu practice and frivolity! I've already heard that the Mayor has been by and has tried it out himself (a certain snowball hurler said the match was a draw!) i've also set out the bar and the rum early for those who practice and might need a medicinal restorative! soon i shall set out early snow angle making areas....because it's silly and fun....((and a great photo op!))
Winter in New Babbage...is there anything grander?
I Adore my Missile Toad! or....Festive? Or horrible groan-inducing terror? You decide! and yes, i'm shamelessly stealing the subject head of Dr. O's latest blog and while i'm at it....stealing, that is......let me add the picture he had, too! Muuuwaaa-Ha~! (with permission actually! hehheh...that master of promotion Evil Dr. O of course doesn't mind my journaling this!) but i do love this little clever gift! and i was very pleased and honored to have been given this gift...of course..it's the groan inducing pun of him that makes me adore it even more! and when you click on him his little jet pack lights up and fire shoots out! Very kissworthy! Muuuuuwaaa~Haaaaaa~! here i am all bundled up in front of my treehouse showing off the new Missile Toad!
Come one come all and bring your sweetie!...say..."let's go look at Red's treehouse"...and then when you see it, say wonderingly "what's this!?....could it be? a missile toad?" and steal that kiss! Muwah! on SALE now! for only $25L at the new Cad & Bounder shop of infinitely devious &clever devices!
Thanksgiving with my family (Mum & Dad and 3 nevvy's) at the beach was really nice...had internet access but for some reason it crashed me every time i tried to get in world. so i watched Torchwood..(see below) driving back home later this morning hoping to avoid the traffic. i do love our atlantic ocean...there's nothing like waking up in the morning to crashing waves.
Last night we went to the Ocean City Festival of Lights where you ride around on a boardwalk trolly and see the light displays....moving trolly + lights gave me some bad pics but also some interesting ones. the last one has a Pirate Ship!!! there's something about the ocean that just calls to me...we've has had a place here since i was a teenager...here i am at 14 with my first BF who i met at a teen pool party [grimaces at the 80's side braid] i make no explanations for his snoopy jogging t-shirt. [grins] but he was hot. Now my parents come down just about every weekend...i love the beach in all weather... sunrise in the summer whilst reading non-stop the last Harry Potter or the time that it snowed....it was just gorgeous! but like woods....the water...the beach....resonates with me...renews my soul and just makes me just really happy and centered in my world.
"Separate from the government, outside the police, beyond the United Nations, Torchwood sets its own rules. Led by the enigmatic, ever watchful Captain Jack Harkness, the Torchwood team delves into the unknown and fights the impossible. Everyone who works for Torchwood is young. Some say that’s because it’s a new science. Others say it’s because they die young."
Torchwood rocks! i just finished a mini-marathon of season one...having started watching tuesday night...and when my parents went to bed early over the hols (how can they go to sleep at 8:30!??) i was turned onto Torchwood by the dear good Dr. Obolensky who said it was great and man was he right! Torchwood is basically slash fic made into a TV series but one that IMHO is very diverting..in spite of, and maybe beacuse of it's slash sex beginnings.
Stopwatch Porn
i mean... there is this sexually charged one scene with Ianto and Dr. Jack that is so hot and also at the same time totally incomprehensible!
Ianto: If you're interested, I've still got that stopwatch. Jack: So? Ianto: Well, think about it; Lots of things you can do with a stopwatch. Jack: Oh yeah! I can think of a few... Ianto: There's quite a list. Jack: I'll send the others home early. See you in my office in, 10? Ianto: That's 10 minutes [sets stopwatch] and counting.
OMFG! Stopwatch porn!!! stopwatchporn! my new fettish! how can you not looooove that!???
"That is so Welsh. I show you something fantastic - and you find fault."
i don't want to give it away for those who haven't seen them but let's just say... this dark, moody series set in Cardiff Wales, produced by BBC Wales and filled to the brim with those lovely welsh accents... is avail on DVD and on the On Demand's BBC America channel is so good i became speedily hooked. It's done by the Brits and they bring their sensibilities to the table. It's tone, while somewhat reminiscent of the X-FILES, also does remind me a bit of DOCTOR WHO, but that one's to be expected as these two shows are closely linked. In fact, the word "Torchwood" is an anagram of Doctor Who and was a security code used by the crew of that series to foil television piracy.
Sex, violence, bad language, adult situations, and Welsh?
I am So there..and soooo good! ps. check your local library if you dont' want to pony up the $54.99 on Amazon...they may just have it! (mine did but i wanted to KEEP them so off to Best Buy i went!) i know i'll watch these over again....some of them are really creepy! like the cannibal one....and they often don't have the typical or expected "happy ending" often time i was like as the good Dr. would say "Dwah!?" with surprise on how they wrapped up an episode...but all are highly watchable, addictive and good!
so i never considered myself a tiny or a furry...just not me. i've been RP-ing for 14 years now...started back in the IRC, Mudds, WBS time...so when my friend Reghan (of Hatpins) suggested i try a tiny Avi i was skeptical....but she is so darn cute in hers! and there are some sims (and shops!) you can only visit as a tiny....so i tried it. and it was fun! of course i had to find a tiny pirate costume...sheah...but all in all i found hopping around as a tiny red fox to be a hoot! what is so cool is that dear Reghan (and she is dear and talented!!!!) has designed clothes for tiny Avi's .....and they are soooo cute! she threw a bunch at me..and the mourning hat (of course any Avi i have has to be a widow!)... fits both tiny and full size Avi's
....one eyed like the Irish Balor of the Evil Eye who was a king of the Fomorians, a race of giants...this dog is beautifully ugly....one of the designer's first and under 30 prims.... and reminds me of a book beloved in my teens called The Cliffs at Night where an Irish wolfound named Balor and an albatross played a big part.....my celtic soul rejoices in this small pixel pet! he does tricks, he learns things he has build in AI.. i swear i wish i had one in RL! and though i lost him for a while today and was shouting like a fishwife up and down Wheatstone ....i do adore him! oh and thanks to Mr. Wiggy and Mr. Rip for being so kind as to helping me try and find him...note to self...set him to stay in my parcel....otherwise it seems he does like to roam! i've had Zooby pets...dear Sir Gear Pup the yellow lab pair i have are sweet but umm a bit dumb...but Balor is SMART! he even fetches a ball and sniffs any rum bottles i put down...and if you visit and he sees you...he says hi! and you can pet him!! ...((click and choose pet)) and there's a Newfoundland that i've got my eye on, too! Newfoundland being a place that's also dear to my heart....but at $1800L these pets are not cheap...but with the fun and the pixel love they provide i think it's quite reasonable.....here's the link to the Virtual Kennel Club with the owner's manual and the SLurls! to see all of the pictures i have thus far of dear Balor please go HERE Feel Free to Leave me a Comment....or one for Balor!