Saturday, May 16, 2009

Keeping our Clockwinder Sober & New Steampunk Gown, too!

Sadly, it has become increasingly apparent that our New Babbage Mayor the Clockwinder Mr. Tenk has a drinking problem. The evidence has been piling up like the many discarded milk bottles found around town...the smell of sour milk..the sound of him snoring passed out next to a fire or an alien breeding ground. Milk bottles are even by my treehouse! ( is filled!)

(photo by Master Skyler Pooley of New Babbage)

To combat this possible slide into the bottle of Moo Juice I have endeavoured to appeal to his horologist leanings by adding more and even more clocks to the newly rebuilt Great Obolensky Metal Steampunk Treehouse...the first of such in New Babbage inspired by the RL Steampunk Treehouse.

The kind Miss Hirvi donated a lovely mantle clock to this plan

and I also put out the gorgeous giant Pocketwatch that my dear friend Miss Viv Trafalgar made...
you can see Sir Shaggy likes it!

see the smokestacks in the distance? word, do i love that view!

three clock gifts: the lovely Oblonski Mantle Clock from Miss Hirvi and above that the Bohemian Clock from Mr. Leonardo Serrao and hanging above the Dual Faced Silent Wall Clock by Mr. Denver Hax. The other clock...Sprocket Gear Clock... I bought in Armada on impulse and it's by the talented Robin Sprocket.

the lovely wall clock with swinging pendulum that was a gift from the very talented Miss Candace Hudson

From Left to Right: Ordinal Malaprop stopped clock, a gift from Mr. Shaunathan Sprocket, and a Game Clock by Dedric Mauriac that tells you the weeks, days, hours you've been in world...and out since you were "born" in SL
Now with 10+? (are there hidden ones?) clocks that may need winding?
and let's not forget my favourite clock of all... in the living room of Llewellyn Industries...the lovely Clock Table that was a gift from dear Dr. Gelving Obolensky the high prim version with the moving gears inside...there's also a lovely 15 prim clock sans moving gears..and you get both when you buy the table. Awwww and who says he's evil?? Oh yes...he does! Muuuwaaaa!

Will that keep our fearless leader from the lure of the bovine brew?
Will he be able to work rather than drink himself into a cow coma?
Will i be able to support over 100 prims in clocks alone on my land for long!?
I certainly hope so!

Gown Talk!
Since no blog post is complete without a little bit fashion talk.... check out my new gown! it's called the Steampunk Peccadillo : Chocolate Gown Set by Ezura Xue...and yes, i've urged her to make more! LOL
only $388L for all this!
* white base shirt with sculpted sleeves [undershirt + shirt layers]
* corsets [shirt + jacket layers]
* thongs with garter [all layers]
* panties with garters [all layers]
* gloves + prim cuffs with clock
* stockings
* choker with clock + flexi ruffles
* sculpted collar
* flexi skirt
* hat with goggles
* staffs/cane [2 type holding : top + mid]
Multiple Layers
Copy & All prims modify with menu

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