Sunday, April 19, 2009

Worshiping Saint Ada Lovelace & a NEW HAT!

Shamelessly Showing off a Grand New Hat
(and ribbon garters, too!)

Most Steampunk Ladies (and not a few Steampunk Gentlemen) worship or admire the late gracious and brilliant Lady Ada Byron-King, Countess of Lovelace - Analyst, Metaphysician, and Founder of Scientific Computing and known as the "Enchantress of Numbers" so anything i can have or wear shows that regard for her or her accomplishments i jump on it!

So when i saw my dear friend Miss Serafina wearing a very pretty hat...and she said, "click on the pocket watch" and i saw what was inside...i DIED!

Want. Love. Must. Have. Now. PLEASE!

Miss Viv Trafalgar, the uber talented designer was kind enough to give me an early release and here it is!

a lovely small tophat, that has a WORKING pocketwatch, paired with a splendid striped back ribbon but the delightful surprise when you click on the pocketwatch and it opens, and there is Lady Lovelace! Of course, i plan on wearing it around with it ALWAYS open!...but it's Sooo cute!

Want one? Get one for only $1L at Miss Viv's new store opening this Saturday!...and i'm told there will also be some lovely FREEBIES scattered around for all the Ladies of Babbage to pick up! i'll post an SLURL here soon!

Do you have a shrine to Saint Ada? Get this FREE candle on Xstreet created by the very respected (and fascinating character) Quantummeruit Bing who also made my beloved Prince Owlbert!

He's metal, animated, sparky, shows nearby avatars, tells your SL age and height, and is only 7 prims!

BTW, Miss Viv left this msg. on the New Babbage Ning blog! ((i mirror occasionally...lazy tart that i am! LOL))

"Red - thank you so much for posting this! here's the slurl to the new shop - Viv Trafalgar Outfitters - next to the Brass Needle. I'll put the Lovelace mini-clocktopper out on Saturday for the opening, along with a few more of them - and some new dresses too."

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